I don’t get to do as many maternity sessions as I would like to do. A boudoir session with our milk bath set is an amazing way to capture your beautiful changing body. At the studio we totally understand that sometimes it can be hard to feel sexy during pregnancy and we want to help show you that you already are. Not only will you get sexy yet classy images that you won’t be shy to share, you’ll get a confidence boost and a little pampering before you’re bundle of joy arrives. Miss R. road-tripped it to us from a few hours away, and I’m so glad sh did! Miss R. is using these images during her baby shower, which I love! I hope all goes well during your delivery- hoping to get to meet your beautiful baby girl someday!
A lot of my clients at Roar Boudoir turn into friends. Sometimes I meet a client whose just a little left of center, like me. When you get an email asking if they can bring, and be photographed with a bucket of fried chicken you book that shoot ASAP. Miss C. was seriously so amazing to have in the studio. I hope she comes back with another, out there, yet awesome request. She was gracious enough to let me share her images, I think they turned out beautifully!
Chloe is beautiful. Chloe is Sexy. Chloe is Pregnant. These statements are not mutually exclusive. While boudoir isn't the first kind of maternity photography that most people think of, it's a beautiful way to capture your body for the short time that you are pregnant. It's also one of the times in a woman's like were seriously pampering should be required! I was so honored to be able to take these pictures of Chloe B. during this time in her life. Not shortly after these photos were taken she found out she's having a little boy! I couldn't be happier for them!

Chloe was so easy to photograph! It was so hard to whittle down her photo set to the one's your seeing here. Every shot was seriously beautiful!

Can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy Chloe! I'm so glad we were able to give your photos that you love! I hope you cherish them as much as we do.