As a glasses wearer myself I’m always excited when ladies rock the “badass babe in glasses” look. This beauty blew me out of the water with her confidence and sex appeal!
Miss E. wanted the perfect Christmas present for her husband, and did she ever deliver. We had so many clients come in this holiday season to create stunning gifts for themselves and their partners this year. It’s one of my favorite “busy seasons” for the studio. I know that Miss. E’s partner loved the photos, and the topping on the cake is their now expecting their first child! Talk about the real perfect present. Thank you so much for letting me share your beautiful images!
We’re also gearing up for our first busy season of the new year here at the studio, I love seeing all the lovebirds flocking into the studio this time year. If you’re looking to get photos before valentines day contact me ASAP! Our books are nearly full for delivery by valentine’s day!
We love it when our clients let us share their sessions, at whatever level they're comfortable with. This beautiful redhead agreed to share some images from her session were we kept her face obscured. We had an absolute blast at the studio with her!
Wishing everyone a beautiful thanksgiving. Today at Roar we're thankful for this amazing woman who recently celebrated how beautiful she was with us in the studio. Thank you so much for letting us share some of your images- We had a blast at the session!
Miss S. was a total blast to shoot! We loved everything she brought. From the gold lame bikini, to her fedora, and most of all her stockings with bows. Thank you even more for allowing us to share a few photos of you that we absolutely love. Miss S. was a total peach, she even told us that it was "a shame we couldn't do this every weekend!". We agree, we'll totally help you find an excuse to come back!
Rebecca contacted us after seeing our interview over at Cincinnati Refined. She was such a joy to work with and so easy to shoot. Like most of our clients she was nervous before her shoot, but said we made her feel at ease from the get go. She told us that she had wished boudoir photography had been something that was an option when she was younger, but I commend her for booking with us now! Just remember, your body is beautiful now, wherever you're at. We just want to help you see that! Thank you so much Rebecca for letting us photograph you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the experience as much as you did.
So beautiful right? Thanks again Rebecca W. for letting us share some beautiful images from your shoot!
Chloe is beautiful. Chloe is Sexy. Chloe is Pregnant. These statements are not mutually exclusive. While boudoir isn't the first kind of maternity photography that most people think of, it's a beautiful way to capture your body for the short time that you are pregnant. It's also one of the times in a woman's like were seriously pampering should be required! I was so honored to be able to take these pictures of Chloe B. during this time in her life. Not shortly after these photos were taken she found out she's having a little boy! I couldn't be happier for them!

Chloe was so easy to photograph! It was so hard to whittle down her photo set to the one's your seeing here. Every shot was seriously beautiful!

Can't wait to meet your little bundle of joy Chloe! I'm so glad we were able to give your photos that you love! I hope you cherish them as much as we do.
As a photographer, you have certain friends you just really want to photograph. Amy is one of the those friends. She has seriously one of the prettiest red manes I've ever seen in real life. My hair envy goes through the roof when she's around. Lucky for me, I've finally gotten to photographer her. I'm so beyond pleased with her photos.

From sweet to total minx amy was able to pull off so many looks without a hitch.
Thanks so much for being so laid back! I hope Amy enjoys all the benefits of being a Roar Society Member!