Tan Lines, & What To Do About Them.
So you've scheduled a boudoir shoot! How exciting! You've got everything planned and are ready for your shoot when suddenly you realize- You have tan lines. We deal with this a lot, especially in the summer. We are able to minimize a lot of tan lines in our editing process. Although It's easier and looks more natural to deal with it before your shoot. Tan line happen to the best of us, even Paige who religiously wears SPF 55 everyday. We've got a few tips on what to do about them.
Tan lines aren't always an issue! The client above had tan lines in the shoulder area, and we still think the image is beautiful!
Tip #1 Do Nothing.
This may seem counterproductive, but sometime's it's a good idea just to embrace your body. A lot of people find tan lines super sexy. We here to cater to what you think the best version of you looks like! If you love your tan lines, we love your tan lines! Our post production techniques often have the benefit of softening the edge of tan lines in your finished photos.
Tip #2 Preventative Care.
Most of our clients schedule their boudoir shoot two months out. That's plenty of time to repair and diminish any sunburn or tan you've got. Wear SPF daily, exfoliate, and limit your sun exposure. If you're concerned about tan lines, best not to schedule your beach vacation the week before your shoot. That is unless it's a nude beach and you can get bronze, sans lines. If you're worried about not being tan enough for your shoot, let me reassure you that's never an issue. You will look amazing on your shoot day no matter the shade of your skin!
Tip #3 At Home Care.
So despite all your best efforts you somehow managed to get tan lines before your shoot. It's alright! If you've got some time there's nothing a little exfoliating, moisturizing, and gradual self tanner can't help. Focus your exfoliate near the edges of you tan line. Gradually build the self tanner color over a couple of days. Don't forget to wash your hands thoroughly after application.
Tip #4 Hide It.
When all else fails, pick outfits for your boudoir shoot that will minimize or completely hide your tan lines. If your bathing suit is a bandeau top, try a bandeau style bra. Work one of our feather boas or fur stoles to hide your problem area. There are so many creative draping techniques we can use!
Tip# Let The Pros Handle It.
Sometimes you've just gotta let a pro handle it. Getting a spray tanner to even out your tan lines is a wonderful option. Two studios comes highly recommended to us! Consult with them on the best time and methods on dealing with your tan lines. Let them know that Roar Boudoir recommended you!
Peaches Skin Care & Afterglow
Do you have any skin care tips you'd like to share? Let us know in the comments below!